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What are the Document Require for Availing Personal Loan

A personal loan is a loan taken at a time of emergency. The loan is taken for any needs like education, wedding, illness, purchase of goods and electric items, home renovation, holidays any other expenses. 

Keeping a checklist of the documents required for personal loan will not only reduce the chances of loan rejection but also ensure that you get the loan amount disbursed in your bank account in less time. 

Here is the simple checklist of the documents that will be useful to you if you are approaching a lender for a personal loan for the first time.
  1. Identity Proof
  2. Age Proof
  3. Residence Proof
  4. Proof of Ownership of Residence
  5. Complete Application form
  6. Proof of signature

These are the documents required in general cases bust in case of Self-Employed Individuals, NRI Applicants, and Salaried Individuals, some additional documents require for the verification for any NBFC and financial institutions.

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